The Human Chronicles Legacy Book 3
When first you don’t succeed …
Fall back to your Secondary Protocol.
Now Adam Cain and his team head for Earth for the last chapter in their war against the Klin.
International Bestselling Science Fiction author T.R. Harris brings you the final book in the first Human Chronicles Legacy Trilogy …
Secondary Protocol
…an Adam Cain and Copernicus Smith adventure.
The story of the Klin comes full circle. After failing to conquer the Expansion — again — the aliens set their sights once again on Earth and the Human race. This time, they’re bringing their deadly subcutaneous microchips to get the race to do their bidding. But when things go horribly wrong, the Klin have to look at alternatives. And they have options, a whole galaxy full of options in fact…
When Adam Cain and Copernicus Smith inadvertently discover the Klin’s sinister plot on Earth they’re shocked to find that the truth is hard to believe. But knowing Human nature, is it really a surprise? And now our reluctant heroes must find the Klin surrogates and prevent the takeover of the Orion-Cygnus Union. But that’s only half the story…
Secondary Protocol completes the first in a series of trilogies featuring the characters from the original Human Chronicles Series. Experience again — or for the first time — the thrilling space opera adventure of the Human Supermen among the aliens of the galaxy. This series continues all the alien ass-kicking, all the humor and witty banter, along with the feel-good pride of being a Human. Check out all the Adam Cain Series: The Human Chronicles, The Adam Cain Saga and now, The Human Chronicles Legacy Series.